Keith Villere, FASLA opened Villere Town Planning Associates, LLC in 2003 after serving three terms as Mayor of the City of Covington. Keith coordinates town planning professionals to consult with government and private development clients on a comprehensive list of planning and design services.
Associates include architects, engineers, planners, surveyors and environmental and legal experts that are teamed together as needed to satisfy the needs of the client.
This approach affords the finest representation in all aspects of town planning and land planning. With specific expertise in zoning and subdivision regulation, traditional town planning and hazard mitigation planning, the group is available to consult with both government and private development clients.
Landscape Design
Landscape Architectural services consist of site design and layout for a variety of land uses including master planning, drainage plans, best management practices plans, wetland mitigation plans, subdivision layout and shopping center layout plans and landscape planting plans. Knowledge of land use controls assists the designer in completing a project that is on time and cost effective.
Town Planning
Specializing in traditional neighborhood design with a vast knowledge of land use regulations, services include the development of preliminary and final design master plans that incorporate traditional development elements into current planning concepts to achieve the best of both worlds.
Environmental Design
Environmental design services include the preparation of Best Management Plans (BMP) for storm-water runoff, drainage plans, wetlands consultation and mitigation. Services include inventory and analysis of the land to develop a master plan of use that is sensitive to the land and achieves the objectives of the owner.
Hazard Mitigation / Resiliency Planning
With the number of environmental issues that are growing in severity including air and water quality and coastal erosion, integrating hazard mitigation planning into a comprehensive planning effort and capital improvement plan can add needed resiliency to a comprehensive plan update.
Additional Services
Land planning: Consultations on zoning, variances, and other land use issues.
Subdivision development: Planning and implementation services.
Downtown Revitalization: Analysis and planning consultation.
Grant Writing: Consultations on grant availability and grant writing.